Preparing for competition
NGTC to DDS, 25th
December 2013
your blog on the above and I fully agree with you that consistency is very
important, afterall if the form of that shama has peaked in that manner BAU
should therefore be maintained as much as possible.
I have
seen 2 casual shama friends pushing their shamas hard in their preparation
work, ramping up the amount chai sessions as well as on the foods, and sadly
both their shamas failed to perform on the big day though one of them was
pretty consistency at the chai arena. Sometimes the more "kan
cheong" you are the worse it becomes.
mentioned that after molting the form could rise in about a month and
thereafter how long will this form last and when would there be a peak?
Of course I am presuming the best care has been given.
Hi TC,
Consistency, to me, does
not mean that we should do the same thing over and over again with never any
change whatsoever. It means making any changes gradually and only after
we have reason to think that the change will be beneficial.
As I lack much competition
experience, I myself need to give thought to try to determine what is required
to bring a male shama to top form and to maintain him there for extended
periods. I am lucky in that I already have a sound base from my years of
keeping and breeding shamas. I therefore have the basic knowledge and all
that is required is to try to tweak what I have been doing in order to prepare
the bird for competition. I should note that for breeding purposes, the
shama need not be in competition form. Just as humans do not need to be
athletes to beget children, so also shamas do not need to be in competition
form in order to be successfully paired.
To be a top competitor
and to be regularly successful in competitions requires the shama to be brought
to a substantially higher level of performance than a breeding shama. The
competition shama needs to sing and display under the stress of having many
other shamas in close proximity to it for over 2 hours or more. This is
something that is not required of a shama in the home. To be in
competition form also requires the shama to be accustomed to transportation,
the presence of other shamas in good form and also the presence of people.
All this needs to be done over a period of many months so that sometime
before the competition the bird is already ready and all that is required in
the final 2 weeks is to maintain the form.
Michael just came back
from a trip to Thailand where he visited Jambul farms and also met and spent
time with one of the top Jambul competitors there. He was told by the top
Jambul competitor that his birds are prepared for competition with proper food
and care and, in the final 2 weeks before a competition, the birds that are
intended for competition are kept secluded from other Jambuls. I would
think that the same applies to shamas. Contrast this with some of our local
shama competitors who bring their birds to the chai tio regularly and even the
week before a competition. Such a bird is unlikely to have fully
recovered before it is required to perform again.
If we are to successfully
compete our shamas, we should try to understand and accommodate their
individual personalities and remove anything that causes them unnecessary
stress in the home. For instance, you may find that a shama may not like
a particular location in the home. He may be restless when his cage is
placed in that location and may seem to be more comfortable somewhere else.
When I see this, I transfer the cage to the place where the shama seems
comfortable and try to consistently keep him there.
I could go on and on with
regard to what I think is required to prepare a shama for competition but what
I have is still only theory which will need to be tested and proven correct by
actual competition. This is something I have just started to do. I
am looking forward to the forthcoming competition this coming Sunday to see if
I am on the right path with what I have been doing.
I answer below your query
regarding the form after molt.
If the shama has been
well cared for during the molt, its form will begin to rise even before the
molt is completed. It should continue to rise and the bird will be in
breeding condition about 1 1/2 months after the molt is completed. I
would think that this is when its testosterone will be at its highest and this
will be the peak of the bird's form. I have tried to mate males that seem to be
in good form before 1 1/2 months have passed after molting. Whilst the
male will accept the female, I have found that if she lays eggs shortly after
the pairing, the eggs tend to be infertile.
The shama should molt
only once a year. If it molts more than this, the molt is induced by
stress of some kindthe form should gradually rise after the molt and then go
down as the molt approaches.
A bird with tails of say,
6 inches, will take about 1 1/2 months to complete the molt of its tails while
a 12" bird will take about double the time. Often, the head and body
feathers will start to molt about 2 to 3 weeks before the tails are shed.
A short tailed bird will therefore be in good form about 1 1/2 months
longer than a long tailed bird. The form should start to deteriorate
about a month before the bird starts to molt.
A short-tailed bird
should therefore potentially be in good form for about 8 1/2 months while a
long-tailed bird should be in good form for about 7 months.
Hope the above helps.
Best regards,
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