As you know I bought the black shama for myself…about 4 months ago……(I had send you the pix before)……it's in Vietnam right now under my uncle's care.
At the moment I have 6 male shamas that were hand-picked for me. One partially albino, one black, all others are normal. The normal ones have tails of at least 9 ½ inches or more from what I was told.
Anyway, I really like to have this black shama so that I can breed it. Would be interesting to see the outcome in a couple of years time. This year, one of my good friends successfully bred a partially albino pair. The male is at least 80 to 85 % white……female about 20 % only. To our surprise all their chicks had lots of white feathers on them.
Here are more pix of the black shama. These are much better than the one I send to you before which had been taken with a cell-phone while the bird before the bird finished its molt .... therefore, not so clear.
Quite nice to see something different once in awhile! I was told its quite aggressive………..with average display. Would perform at any gathering…………but song is just average only. Was told before I bought it….tails of 22 cm………from the pix……….I would guess its 20 cm only.