Monday, November 3, 2014


This is Skyhawk's grandson (Falcon's son), DDS274M.  He is just over 5 months old having hatched on 27th May 2014.

He was transferred from the molting aviary to the cage the day before the video was recorded.  At this time, just after the molt of this very young male, he has no interest in females. The video shows him singing on his own without a male close by that could agitate him.

The video shows the form that I hope my birds will have as they complete their molt.  If the bird has had a good molt (as in the case of DDS274M), it should have some form on completing the molt and the form should improve and progressively build up over the next 1 1/2 months until the bird reaches its best form for that stage of its life.

DDS274 is the first of Skyhawk's 6 grandsons (hatched this year), to complete his molt. One grandson is with Michael. The other 4 grandsons are still with me.  They are molting but from what I can see, they seem to have inherited the same type of character and display that DDS274M has. I am of course very much looking forward to the time when I will also be able to transfer them from the molting aviary to the cage when their potential can be better assessed..

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