Dear Uncle David,
I apologize for keeping on calling you for advice. Here are my 3 chicks @ 7 days.
Today, they are 9 days old but I have yet to take photo.
Will update you soon.
Best Regards,

25th June 2008
25th June 2008
Dear Uncle David,
Thanks for calling and your support.
My Shama chick is now with one of the bird shops. Hope
the chick will fully recover from its leg injury & start
eating like normal.....
Dear Uncle David,
Here is the newer photo @ Day 10(1)/11(2). Two chicks have started to fly. The last 1 will be tomorrow, I guess.
Some how, even though I put them in-doors, they are
still opening their beaks in afternoon(as shown in
photo). Morning and at night is fine. It may due to
hot weather.
Thanks for your guidance.
Best Regards,

26th June 2008
A bird that opens its beak constantly is either stressed because it is active all the time or it is thirsty. In any case, a little water helps. I feed my chicks water with vitamin B when they constantly open their beaks. I do this with a 1 cc sringe.
26th June 2008
Dear Uncle,
Thanks for your advice.
I did that yesterday with Vitamin B injected into cricket and it seem that it works and stress level has reduced. They have cooled down and they are not frequently opening their beaks now.
BTW, when will the chick starts drinking water by themselves?
Best Regards,
26th June 2008
From the 14th day after hatching, I place a shallow plastic container with water in the cage and the chicks learn to drink by themselves within a few days. At the same time, I also kill some crickets or other insects and place it on the floor of the cage with some dry food. The natural tendency of the chicks is to peck at anything on the ground and they are soon pecking at the food. I nevertheless continue to offer food to the chicks by hand until I am sure that they are eating enough on their own. This will be around the 25th to the 30th day.