Dear Uncle David,
My 3 chicks from the 2nd batch are doing well so far, 19 days by now.
Need your advise.
My female is sitting on her 3rd batch of eggs (expected to hatch in 8 days time (provided the eggs are fertile), but male started molting and now is about 20%. Wings & head feathers have started dropping.
Should I remove the male from aviary now or after the chicks reach 20 days? Or should I take no action and leave the male in the aviary.
Best Regards,
3rd July 2008
There is a good chance the eggs will be infertile as the male will likely not have mated with the female as he is entering into molt. However, the female should be allowed to continue to brood the eggs just in case any are fertile. If the female has sat on the eggs for 3 days or more, it is safe to remove the male as she will continue to sit. Alternatively, you can leave the male with her until the eggs hatch or they have proved to be infertile.
7th July 2998,
Dear Uncle david,
For your viewing. Here is my 2nd batch 22nd days chicks.
I think I had 2 females & 1 male from this batch.
Best Regards,

8th July 2008,
Its wonderful to see that you have succeeded in having 3 chicks from one nest. It's not possible for me to tell the sex of the chicks from the photographs as the lighting and the contrast are seldom accurate.
Best regards,
8th July 2008,
Dear Uncle David,
In fact, my breeding program can't be success without your advise.
i'm constantly reading your new blog now, i reckon it has been more & more information. thanks for your passion. appreciate it.
Best Regards,
24th July 2008,
As you expected, my 3rd batch egg is infertile. Male had complete moulting head & body, i think he had a session of stress moult and form is up without changing the tail.
The male has started to court the female into nest box by singing softly to it. I think this is good sign of going for 4th batch egg laying. (what do you think?)